
Viktor Brešan

An impassioned software developer with 25+ years of experience in all product development phases.

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Imagine all apps are free and open source. No hidden trackers, no monetization of personal data, no intrusive ads or paywalls. No planted backdoors – just secure code checked by experts. You have complete transparency into the software running on your most personal device: your smartphone.

For this to become a reality, open-source software development must be sustainable. Working on such apps should be a full-time endeavor, not just a part-time hobby. Developers should be fairly compensated for their hours of work, allowing them to afford normal lives. Is this scenario possible?

I've decided to find out. Join me on this journey! Check out my open-source Android apps on GitHub. If you find them useful, don't hesitate to show your support or contribute to them. Your input is greatly appreciated!

Thank you for supporting my transition from a commercial to an open-source developer!

Open sourced android apps:

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