
germain remi

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Web developer based in Lyon (France) and passionate about the history of Chernobyl. I was interested in the consequences and sacrifices that the citizens of the USSR had to go through in order to mitigate the harmful effects of this cataclysm. This is why I have created this site, in order to keep their stories alive and not to forget what these men and women have done for us, and for future generations.

This site is free, open-source and will remain so! Why should you help me? Currently, the annual cost of the infrastructure is 200 euros. To help me meet this cost, and on a voluntary basis, I am making available a kitty on which you can help me. Of course, if the money accumulated is greater than the expenses initially generated. I will use this money to improve the service offered, and why not, add a storage facility for the videos.

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rgermain se přidal před 4 lety.

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