
Maria Kozińska

Building decentralized online infrastructure for self-organizing offline human communities.

mariha dostává 0,00 € za týden od 0 mecenášů.
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I work on Free Software projects in the domains of sharing and giving economy or nature focused citizen science, with decentralized human and software structure at the core.

Some of the projects that are or were important for me as a contributor (sometimes never accepted or harshly rejected):

I hold M.Sc of Computer Science and until recently I worked as a Software Engineer for some huge-tech companies, developing distributed systems in the cloud, with an experience mostly in server side Java ecosystem… Now I am on the path to de-professionalize myself and rediscover joy of building simple yet useful things with other imperfect but somehow idealistic human beings.

Here, I’d like to enable others to financially support what I am doing.

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mariha veřejně daruje 1 tvůrci.

0,09 €/týden


mariha se přidal před 3 lety.

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