
Luke T. Shumaker

I'm Luke, I'm a programmer/hacker working on improving the GNU/Linux-libre ecosystem.

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I'm working on various aspects of the GNU/Linux-libre ecosystem.

  • [x] I'm working on the Parabola GNU/Linux-libre distro
  • [x] I'm working on improving btrfs
  • [ ] I'm working on better tooling around cross-language-runtime objects (GObject Introspection, which is a terrible name for what it is, BTW)
  • [ ] I'm working improving Hi-DPI/variable-DPI support
  • [ ] and more!

By sponsoring me, you're helping me continue working on these things full-time. Instead of having to cut back my activities by at least 50% in the next year.

Propojené účty

lukeshu vlastní na jiných platformách následující účty:


lukeshu se přidal před 1 rokem.

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