
Jeremy Wright

I'm creating Open Source CAD and Engineering Software

jmwright má 0 mecenášů.


I've been a core developer for the Python-based CadQuery CAD scripting API for about 6 years. I've also created some related software such as the CadQuery workbench for FreeCAD and Electron based cadquery-gui. I also play a supporting role on other CadQuery repos, write documentation and tutorials, and help with community management.

In addition to CadQuery, I'm continuously experimenting with projects related to open source CAD and ways to collaborate on open source hardware (OSHW) more easily. One of those projects, which I am currently spending a lot of time on, is ​Semblage open source CAD, which uses CadQuery as part of its core.

If you like the open source work I've done and want to help me as I try to focus more on it, that's great. You'll have my gratitude as I continue working to improve the open source CAD and open engineering tool landscape.

Thanks for your consideration!

Propojené účty

jmwright vlastní na jiných platformách následující účty:


cadquery-freecad-module Hvězdy 115 Upraveno před 4 měsíci

A module-workbench combo that adds a CadQuery editor to FreeCAD

CQ-editor (odštěpeno) Hvězdy 26 Upraveno před 6 měsíci

CadQuery GUI editor based on PyQT

cq-cli (odštěpeno) Hvězdy 1 Upraveno před 3 lety

Command Line Interface for executing CadQuery scripts and converting their output to another format.


jmwright se přidal před 6 lety.

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