
Furlan Sebastiano

Music producer, writer and digital artist

furlan-sebastiano dostává 0,00 € za týden od 0 mecenášů.
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Hello, I'm Furlan Sebastiano, I like to create something that can enrich people, instill in them new emotions and sensations. I love to experiment and push my skills to the limits on a journey that I am delighted to take with you. I mainly make music, of almost any genre, but I also make digital art and I write books. You can find all of this on my official website www.furlansebastiano.com

As you can imagine, completing all my projects is a considerable investment for those who, like me, start almost from scratch; I can continue to create only thanks to your support, and in exchange for this I get the security of being able to continue, of always being able to give my best to give you the best I have to offer.

Propojené účty

furlan-sebastiano vlastní na jiných platformách následující účty:


furlan-sebastiano se přidal před 4 lety.

Příjem za týden (v euro)

Počet mecenášů týdně

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