

Age3rcm is creating Free puppet rigs and free Unity resources for MLP

creega dostává 0,00 US$ za týden od 0 mecenášů.
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Hello. For free, i make available free puppet rigs for opentoonz under the CC-BY license You can use them for your project, and you can make money using it

The Resources are a small variant of the MLP-FIM character design from DHX while maintaining the initial design idea, it gets sigtly different, making it possible to use without risk of being prosecuted

All the funding will be towards Brain medication i take, i have a schizophrenia caused by depression and some times it gets very rough to deal with. but i express no intentions on doing "that", fortunately.

The resources are all available on Gumroad. these are the links:



creega se přidal před 3 lety.

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