

Precise, and concise Linux and Open Source content

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Hi, I'm Nick, and I run The Linux Experiment, a Youtube Channel and Podcast where I talk about Linux, Open Source, and privacy. I make 3 videos per week, including a Linux and Open Source News video, that I also provide in the form of a weekly 45 minutes long podcast that covers everything interesting that happened in the past week regarding Linux and Open Source.

While I currently mostly rely on sponsors and Youtube ads for making this work as a day job, my goal is ultimately to be entirely user supported, and to be able to not depend on big companies to make a living, with the added bonus of being able to remove sponsored mentions from my content!

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TheLinuxExperiment má 3 veřejných mecenášů.

1,15 €/týden
1,00 US$/týden
Vivian "Bigou"
0,10 €/týden


TheLinuxExperiment se přidal před 1 rokem.

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