
Rich Neher

Hoping to raise funds to keep writing my tennis newsletter TENNIS CLUB BUSINESS.

Tennis-Club-Business by chtěl dostávat 300,00 US$ týdně.
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I founded the monthly newsletter TENNIS CLUB BUSINESS in January of 2014. In January of 2021, we have started our 8th year of publication. After 84 issues published we have over 8,500 subscribers and work with 5 regular and about 10 off and on writers. Our readers are tennis professionals, club owners, managers, tennis directors, and staff of the national governing body of tennis, the United States Tennis Association (USTA). Since we don't have hundreds of thousands of subscribers (yet) we can’t charge regular rates for advertisements so our ad rates hardly cover some cost associated with creating a professional magazine. I would be very happy to be able to raise regular funds to the amount of $300 per week, which allows us to cover many expenses and pay our writers a little money.

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