


Roberto_Patron má 0 mecenášů.
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Hi, I dedicate myself to scientific research and I am writing two books, Theory of Universal Equilibrium and Superhumanos, in which I expound many revolutionary discoveries I have made in many areas of life and science.

I have started to write, some years ago, also this Dictionary of Synonyms English-Spanish

However, at the same time, for many years and up to now I have had many serious problems due to the very high degree of corruption in the government of the country, Mexico, I live in. Above all owing to my public denounces of the very unjust way in which my father died, because of close relatives (my siblings, mainly) and the government.

Due to this I have been kidnapped, during three years; injected with very harmful drugs, during nearly three and a half years; two times imprisoned with fabricated charges, during nine months; threatened, harassed, pursued and beaten up, during many years very often; and many times and often extremely beaten up (until breaking my bones two times, very corrupt policemen) and tortured (in jail), during between seven and nine months.

In 2014, a group of policemen broke into my house by destroying the locks of the doors with sledgehammers, and destroyed and stole almost everything that inside it there was (except for some furniture only), and even, in several parts, the electric wiring and the water pipe.

Since then, I am threatened with death by the government if I do not get out of the country. And due to this since then, and until now, I have lived trying that my permanency in this country does not be noted by the government.

Currently, due to lack of economic resources, I am devoting just 2 per cent of my work to the publication of my ideas, which are the essential part for the realization of my projects; and I am having to devote the other almost 100 per cent to other works not very directly related.

Please help me, by donating so that I can dedicate myself to the essentials. Read more...


Roberto_Patron se přidal před 6 lety.

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