

crowdfunding radical communities and the housing commons

Friends_In_Common dostává 0,00 € za týden od 0 mecenášů.
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Friends in Common is an open-ended crowdfunding campaign to help fund small collectives to buy property to inhabit and use as a base for building a better, more humane world from.

We aim to fund collectives internationally and will require funded collectives to agree to place the ownership of their property in the commons through a contract.

Please consider becoming a monthly donor. Together we can cultivate our communities and build friendship.

Read more about Friends In Common at

Propojené účty

Friends_In_Common vlastní na jiných platformách následující účty:


Friends_In_Common se přidal před 4 lety.

Příjem za týden (v euro)

Počet mecenášů týdně

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