

Echap is a non-profit fighting against the utilisation of technology in violence against women

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Association de lutte contre l'utilisation de la technologie dans les violences faites aux femmes

Echap is a French non-profit organisation fighting against the utilisation of technology in violence against women. We are a hacker feminist collective aiming at bringing resources and supporting non-profit organisations working on violence against women on everything related to technology.

We focus our actions on : - Animating workshops on this topic. - Creating and updating documentation. - Supporting with analysis and technical on abusive utilisation of technology.

If you are member of an organisation working on violence against women and want to contact us, please send us an email at <contact@echap.eu.org>.

Propojené účty

Echap vlastní na jiných platformách následující účty:


Echap se přidal před 4 lety.

Příjem za týden (v euro)

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