Jonathan Wiltshire
Jonathan Wiltshire
Debian Developer and Stable Release Manager
Hi, I've been a Debian Developer for over fifteen years and I'm one of the stable release managers, responsible for keeping the stable releases up-to-date with bug fixes, minor security fixes and data updates. I recently reduced my employed hours so that I can spend more time working on release maintenance, which means I need support to pay my bills and provide for my family. If you rely on stable maintenance, or you appreciate my work in Debian in general, please consider supporting me so that I can keep dedicating this time. Thanks!
Propojené účty
jmw vlastní na jiných platformách následující účty:
Patroni Exportovat jako CSV
jmw má 4 veřejných mecenášů.
jmw se přidal před 3 měsíci.
jmw nezveřejňuje, kolik dostává prostřednictvím Liberapay.